The Podcast Explain is for everyone interested in DNA/RNA sequencing or technology in general. As Iuliia doesn't have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking "simple" - even silly at times - questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand.
Iuliia and Daniel have fun with salt water and alcohol Chapters: 00:00:00 DIY DNA isolation 00:15:38 Directed evolution of Enzymes DNA isolation in your kitchen - Experiment during the episode: - Another protocol with the same approach: - Extract DNA from a strawberry: - Banana DNA extraction: BONUS: Directed, artifical evolution of enzymes: - Where it comes from: - Chemistryworld about the idea: - A few of many results of this method: - MIT News about adding robots to this: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and send your feedback to ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).
Erschienen: 04.08.2023
Dauer: 00:22:47
Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Special Episode 1: Kitchen Genomics - DIY DNA Isolation"
Daniel and Iuliia are confused about fireflies - Scientific american on how fireflies create light: - A small breakdown of a typical Pyrosequencing workflow: - Biology-pages on Pyrosequencing: - Biotechfront on Pyrosequencing: - Shomu's Biology on Pyrosequencing: - Quick Biochemistry Basics explaining the method: - Bionity on Pyrosequencing: Chapters: 1:00 Intro 3:00 Fireflies 4:00 Energy 6:00 Luciferase Reaction 11:00 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...T? 14:00 microwell Plates 18:00 Pyrosequencing 25:00 Storage & Price 30:00 Teaser 31:00 Pyro? 34:00 Outro Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903).
Erschienen: 14.07.2023
Dauer: 00:34:24
Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Episode 2: Pyrosequencing"
Iuliia is confused about RNA and Daniel doesn’t know the size of a DNA nucleotide Chapters: 00:00-Intro 02:00-DNA 08:27-Enzymes 13:05-RNAs, tRNAs 16:18-mRNAs, µRNAs, lncRNAs, circRNAs 21:35-Wobble 23:30-PCR 33:20-Sanger sequencing I 36:30-Gel electrophoresis 40:00-Sanger sequencing II 53:10-Teaser next Episode, Outro Topics: DNA, RNA, Protein, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Sanger Sequencing - The Royal Institution on the DNA Discovery: - The discovery of DNA on science history: - The New York Times on Franklins’ part: - Wikipedias article on Proteins with history: - Jrank on RNA: - Microbe Notes showing the central dogma of molecular biology: - ThoughtCo on RNA and DNA: - khanacademy explainers on PCR and Gel electrophoresis: - Amoeba Sisters on PCR: - Promega explaining Sanger sequencing: - Microbe online’s writeup on Sanger sequencing: - LibreTextsBiology on Proteins and Enzymes: - excedr on Taq Polymerase and PCR: Since 2018, West German Genome Center ( operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf ( Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG ( (No. 407493903). P.S.: One DNA nucleotide is ~0.34 nanometers in „length“ - DR
Erschienen: 26.06.2023
Dauer: 00:53:49
Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Episode 1: Basics - from DNA to Sanger sequencing"