
Doctor it! Episode 7 – Parenting as a PhD

Podcast: Doctor it!

Erschienen: 09.01.2023
Dauer: 22:36

For most PhD students, their dissertation is their only “baby”. However, how is it to have an actual child while being a PhD student? In episode 7 of “Doctor it!” our hosts Rasmus Wardemann and Ninja Bumann talk with Kata Tóth from the Department of East European History about how she fulfils care obligations while pursuing a career in academia. Together, they explore the many challenges Kata is facing and how having a child has impacted her doctoral research. Listen in and learn about the importance of academic and familial support structures and find out about fluffy toys for parents in academia. This episode was written and produced by Maximilian Brockhaus, Bernd Ströhm, Nadine Riegler, and Ninja Bumann, edited by Martin Pokorny, and hosted by Rasmus Wardemann and Ninja Bumann. Special thanks go out to our guest, Kata Tóth.

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