
S02 - E01: Exploring Benin's rising digital economy

Podcast: Exploring digital spheres

Erschienen: 04.04.2023
Dauer: 00:32:48

At the SENIA, Benin’s first AI conference, our team had the opportunity to talk to local experts about the possibilities of digitalisation for the improvement of the agricultural sector and its working conditions. Christian Grauvogel, Marie Blüml and Georg von Richthofen travelled to Benin in July 2022 to discuss the opportunities and risks of applying Artificial Intelligence in sustainable entrepreneurship in Benin and Francophone West and Central Africa. They had the opportunity to interview Seth Ayim, operational manager of the international NGO TechnoServe, and Theodore Gboyou, data scientist and regional manager of the digital platform Digital Rice Africa in Benin.

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Podcast-Website: Episode "S02 - E01: Exploring Benin's rising digital economy"

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