AI and the Endangered Freedom of Democratic Participation (Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó

Podcast: Ars Boni

Erschienen: 06.08.2024
Dauer: 00:40:30

Panel Presentations by Prof. Dr. Ursula Kritzinger and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó at University of Vienna's Summer Discourse in Strobl/Wolfgangsee on August 02 2024. Chair: Prof. Dr. Iris Eisenberger

Weitere Informationen und umfangreichere Shownotes gibt es ggf. auf der Podcast-Website.

Podcast-Website: Episode "AI and the Endangered Freedom of Democratic Participation (Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó"

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