Special Episode 2: How Sequencing is used

Podcast: Explain Podcast

Erschienen: 20.10.2023
Dauer: 01:07:17

Iuliia killed the stripey cat Chapters: 00:01:00 Intro 00:04:44 Stripes 00:11:40 Sanger with colors 00:17:20 CATCATCAT... 00:33:20 Planes 00:38:15 Genome assembly 00:40:00 Transcriptomics 01:01:00 Hi-C Why women are stripey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD6h-wDj7bw Future-science about str profiling: https://www.future-science.com/doi/10.2144/000112582 Mark Santucci explaining str profiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg3gH2wmAW8 NIJ explaining the theory for beginners: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-str-analysis MIT on genome assembly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYW2AeDE6wU Fundamentals of genome assembly by Bioinformatics DotCa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wvGapmA5zM Genome assembly tips from F1000Research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5850084/ CD Genomics explaining some genome assembly metrics: https://www.cd-genomics.com/an-overview-of-genome-assembly.html Geneticeducation giving an intro to transcriptomics: https://geneticeducation.co.in/what-is-transcriptomics/ A slideshare explaining transcriptomics: https://www.slideshare.net/divyasrivastava17/transcriptome-analysis How to create a volcano plot in R: https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/transcriptomics/tutorials/rna-seq-viz-with-volcanoplot-r/tutorial.html Bioinformatic walk-through by the galaxy project with a typical RNA-Seq experiment: https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/transcriptomics/tutorials/rna-seq-counts-to-genes/tutorial.html RNA splicing explained by arpan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJQv1H-2IoI khanacademy on RNA processing: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-biology/gene-expression-and-regulation/transcription-and-rna-processing/a/eukaryotic-pre-mrna-processing Since 2018, West German Genome Center (https://wggc.de/) operates as the next generation sequencing facility and supports research in genomics & transcriptomics by providing expertise and sequencing services. WGGC is a part of the Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN: https://ngs-kn.de/) - network of NGS core facilities in Germany. Listen to our podcast and we're happy to receive your feedback&questions via Email ( podcast[dot]explain[at]gmail[dot]com ). The Explain Podcast is recorded at the Medienlabor at Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (https://medienlab.phil.hhu.de/). Our podcast is an outreach activity within the national genomics facility "West German Genome Center" funded by the DFG (https://www.dfg.de/) (No. 407493903).

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