Temporality and the Making of Global Urban Worlds
Podcast: Urban Political
Erschienen: 22.12.2024
Dauer: 00:59:05
Whether waiting for the train or planning the future city, infrastructure orders—and depends on—multiple urban temporalities. This agenda-setting volume disrupts conventional notions of time through a robust examination of the relations between temporality, infrastructure, and urban society. Conceptually rich and empirically detailed, its interdisciplinary dialogue encompasses infrastructural systems including transportation, energy, and water to bridge often-siloed technical, political-economic and lived perspectives. With global coverage of diverse cities and regions from Berlin to Jayapura, this book is an essential provocation to re-evaluate urban theory, politics, and practice and better account for the temporal complexities that shape our infrastructured worlds.
Weitere Informationen und umfangreichere Shownotes gibt es ggf. auf der Podcast-Website.
Podcast-Website: Episode "Episode 82 - Book Review Roundtable: Infrastructural Times"