Prof. Rojas: Talking about impactful science and how lignin could capture CO2

Podcast: WoodCAST - Es geht um Holz

Erschienen: 31.05.2024
Dauer: 01:08:59

The WoodCAST goes international! In this first english episode, I speak with Prof. Orlando Rojas from the University of British Columbia (UBC) about his mission to make science more impactful. We also talk about emerging carbon capture technologies based on renewable materials. This episode was recorded on the 9th of October 2023.Support the Show.Anyone who would like to support the WoodCAST 😊 can now do so via the ‘Support’ button on the homepage (follow the🖤) or via the following...

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Podcast-Website: Episode "Prof. Rojas: Talking about impactful science and how lignin could capture CO2"

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