Podcast "WoodCAST - Es geht um Holz"

Herzlich Willkommen zum WoodCAST. Mein Name ist Max. Ich bin Universitätsassistent am Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe an der Universität für Bodenkultur in Wien. Der WoodCAST beschäftigt sich mit dem Studium der Holz- und Naturfasertechnologie. Gemeinsam mit AbsolventInnen plaudere ich über das Studium sowie die beruflichen Aussichten. Zusammen mit ThemenführerInnen präsentiere ich euch aktuelle Foschungsschwerpunkte sowie Grundlagen aus dem Bereich der Holz- und Naturfasertechnologie. Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim Zuhören und freue mich über jede Unterstützung: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1735369/supporters/new


Max Pramreiter


The WoodCAST: Highlights 2024

In dieser Folge werfe ich einen Blick auf die Gäste des vergangenen Jahres und präsentiere meine Highlights aus einem Jahr #WoodCAST! Außerdem erfährt ihr welche Themen euch 2025 erwarten. Support the showAnyone who would like to support the WoodCAST 😊 can now do so via the ‘Support’ button on the homepage (follow the🖤) or via the following link: https://lnkd.in/dnyVmHXyFurther information about BOKU University and the Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Resources can be found here.

Erschienen: 24.01.2025
Dauer: 00:30:07

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "The WoodCAST: Highlights 2024"

DI Reiner: Absolvent*innengespräch und Holz-von-Hier®

In dieser Folge des WoodCAST: DI Erich Reiner, BOKU-Absolvent und Holzwirt der ersten Stunde. Wir sprechen über seine Arbeit als selbständiger Sachverständiger und seine Tätigkeiten als Österreich-Vertretung bei Holz-von-Hier®. Diese Folge wurde am 22.Oktober 2024 aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen zur BOKU und dem Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe findet ihr hier. Solltet Ihr Fragen oder Feedback haben dann freue ich mich auf eure Nachricht per Mail oder auf Link...

Erschienen: 27.12.2024
Dauer: 00:56:05

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "DI Reiner: Absolvent*innengespräch und Holz-von-Hier®"

George Schmidbauer: A brief history of a Californian sawmill family

This episode is sponsored by Evergreen Privatstiftung. Check out the Evergreen Prize here with a chance to win € 300.000,- In this episode of the WoodCAST: George Schmidbauer. Business Development Manager at the North Fork Lumber Company. A samwilling company based in California with a rich history in processing wood. We talk about the family history in wood processing, current products and future processes to strengthen the Californian wood industry once again. This episode was rec...

Erschienen: 29.11.2024
Dauer: 00:53:02

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "George Schmidbauer: A brief history of a Californian sawmill family"

Prof. Tidwell: Why CLT might not be the best solution for California

This episode is sponsored by Evergreen Privatstiftung. Check out the Evergreen Prize here with a chance to win € 300.000,-In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor Philip Tidwell from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a registered architect in Finland and has practiced professionally in the offices of Juhani Pallasmaa, Agrest & Gandelsonas, and Perkins Eastman. As a designer and educator, Philip focuses on wood construction and emerging technologies in timber. We ta...

Erschienen: 25.10.2024
Dauer: 01:18:07

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prof. Tidwell: Why CLT might not be the best solution for California"

Prof. Sanchez: Storing CO2 for a thousand years

In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Daniel L. Sanchez from the University of California, Berkeley. He is an early developer and leading expert on engineered biomass and bioenergy systems that remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Trained as an engineer and energy systems analyst, Sanchez’s work engages technology developers, policymakers, and corporations to advance sustainable biomass carbon removal and storage. We talk about the state of the forests ...

Erschienen: 27.09.2024
Dauer: 00:51:49

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prof. Sanchez: Storing CO2 for a thousand years"

Prof. Mayencourt: How low-tech wood products might change how houses are built in California

In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Paul Mayencourt from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a researcher and educator in low-carbon design solutions for the built environment. His research merges the field of structural design, forestry, and materials. He currently studies the use of undervalued timber resources such as small-diameter timbers and underutilized Californian hardwoods species for high-performance architectural and ...

Erschienen: 30.08.2024
Dauer: 00:52:35

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prof. Mayencourt: How low-tech wood products might change how houses are built in California"

Focusing on the Californian wood industry, after the summer break!

The first actual summer break for the WoodCAST.I would like to use the time thank you very much for the great feedback and your continued support! Coming back in August, the next four months of the WoodCAST will focus on the wood research at UC Berkeley and the Californian wood industry. I will talk with Prof. Paul Mayencourt, Prof. Daniel Sanchez and Prof. Philip Tidwell from UC Berkeley and with George Schmidbauer from North Fork Lumber. Enjoy your summer! The next episode will be...

Erschienen: 26.07.2024
Dauer: 00:05:06

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Focusing on the Californian wood industry, after the summer break!"

Prof. Kutnar: How the New European Bauhas aims to change the way we live

In this episode, Prof. Andreja Kutnar from the InnoRenew Center of Excellence. We learn how the idea of a research center for the built environment became reality. Futhermore, we discuss how important finding the right words for research communication is and how the New European Bauhaus initiative aims to change the way we live and interact with our environment. This episode was recored on the 2nd of March 2024. Support the Show.Anyone who would like to support the WoodCAST 😊...

Erschienen: 28.06.2024
Dauer: 00:56:56

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prof. Kutnar: How the New European Bauhas aims to change the way we live"

Prof. Rojas: Talking about impactful science and how lignin could capture CO2

The WoodCAST goes international! In this first english episode, I speak with Prof. Orlando Rojas from the University of British Columbia (UBC) about his mission to make science more impactful. We also talk about emerging carbon capture technologies based on renewable materials. This episode was recorded on the 9th of October 2023.Support the Show.Anyone who would like to support the WoodCAST 😊 can now do so via the ‘Support’ button on the homepage (follow the🖤) or via the following...

Erschienen: 31.05.2024
Dauer: 01:08:59

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prof. Rojas: Talking about impactful science and how lignin could capture CO2"

Podcast "WoodCAST - Es geht um Holz"