Podcast "Transformative Podcast"

Welcome to the Transformative Podcast, which takes the year 1989 as a starting point to think about social, economic, and cultural transformations in the wake of deep historical caesuras on a European and global scale.


Dreaming of Utopia: The Life and Times of Christian Rakovsky (Maria Todorova)

This podcast episode is partly a summary of the main points Prof. Todorova developed in her book "Imagining Utopia: The Lost World of Socialists at Europe's Margins", partly a chronological extension into the decades that were not covered by the book. This is done by focusing on the life and activities of Christian Rakovsky (1873-1941), as well as the assessments in the aftermath of his death. The change of the scales of analysis would allow Todorova to demonstrate the interplay between center and periphery, especially the "paradox" of socialism in agrarian societies and the attitude to the national question, the mechanisms of how socialist ideas were generated and received, and to emphasize the benefits of microhistory through the biographical method. The book ended with the demise of the Second International. In this talk, Todorova is taking the narrative further by stressing the activities of Rakovsky in the Soviet Union and particularly in the Ukraine, as well as his diplomatic work and his place in the Left Opposition. It thus highlights the move from the realm of the "utopia of the future" to the reality of "utopia on earth." Maria Todorova is the Gutgsell Professor of History Emerita and Professor Emerita, Center for Advanced Study at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She specializes in Eastern Europe, specifically the Balkans in the modern period. Her research focuses on historical demography, nationalism, socialism and post-communism.

Erschienen: 23.10.2024
Dauer: 33:19

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Dreaming of Utopia: The Life and Times of Christian Rakovsky (Maria Todorova)"

Abortion and Emancipation in Ukraine (Kateryna Ruban)

In this episode, Kateryna Ruban talks with Zsófia Lorand about how the history of abortion in Ukraine and Soviet Union can help us understand contemporary reproductive struggles and modern Ukrainian history. Kateryna’s future book tells a story of a female obstetrician-gynecologist in a postwar Transcarpathian hospital who performed abortions during Stalinism when abortion was illegal and later, showcasing a doctor who insisted on professional autonomy despite the desire of political leaders to fully control the procedure. Abortion was a matter of intense public debates before 1917 and particularly in the 1920s, when many doctors argued that abortion was a part of female emancipation and a part of justified desire of women to regulate their reproduction. What happened next is usually seen as overwhelming Soviet pronatalism, but Kateryna shows a different picture of how women were able to maneuver within official policies and gain access to abortion. She focuses on Ukrainian and Transcarpathian contexts, thus departing from traditional portrayal of Soviet women as a whole and the Soviet history of abortion as based on central russian archives. Kateryna Ruban is a historian who received her Ph.D. from New York University in September 2022. In 2022-2023, she was a fellow at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University. Earlier, Kateryna earned master’s degrees at Central European University in Hungary and at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine. She was a part of the Visual Culture Research Center in Kyiv. Kateryn Ruban was a Ukraine Fellow with RECET in 2024.

Erschienen: 02.10.2024
Dauer: 20:52

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Abortion and Emancipation in Ukraine (Kateryna Ruban)"

Prague as Hub of Anti-Colonialism (Mikuláš Pešta)

Once a “hub of anti-colonialism,” the Czech capital Prague might be viewed today a “hub of anti-Communism” instead. How did this shift take place? In this episode of the Transformative Podcast, Mikuláš Pešta (Czech Academy of Science + Charles University, Prague) guides Rosamund Johnston (RECET) through the sites and organizations associated with student and Marxist activism in the city, and reflects upon the limited legacies of both. How did the international activists resident in Prague during the Cold War shape the city? And to what extent did their individual views matter within organizations often understood as mere fronts for Soviet policy? Mikuláš Pešta works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and as a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Science. He has published in the International History Review, the Journal of Contemporary History, Central European History, and Intelligence and National Security, as well as authoring both works of fiction and non-fiction in Czech. His research focuses on the contacts between Czechoslovakia and African and Asian countries and national liberation movements in the fields of education, cultural diplomacy, ideology, and the secret services. Currently, he is researching the role played by Prague-based international organizations and student internationalism during the Cold War and beyond.

Erschienen: 31.07.2024
Dauer: 14:55

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Prague as Hub of Anti-Colonialism (Mikuláš Pešta)"

Making European Freedom of Movement (Madeleine Dungy)

Freedom movement just means removing migration barriers and letting people move around freely - or does it? In this episode, Madeleine Dungy of NTNU Trondheim discusses the complicated making of European free movement in the 1960s and 1970s with RECET scientific director Jannis Panagiotidis. At a time of reinforced national social welfare behind the border, she argues, governments, social actors, multilateral institutions, and NGOs had to work hard to reconcile the goals of broad regional mobility and deep social protection. Madeleine Dungy is an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She works on the history of international organizations, with a particular focus on trade and migration. She is the principal investigator of the ERC Starting Grant InternalFortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State, 1950-1980 and is the author of Order and Rivalry: Rewriting the Rules of International Trade after the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Erschienen: 10.07.2024
Dauer: 17:08

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Nuclear Energy: From Dark Past to Green Future? (Anna Weichselbraun, Elisabeth Röhrlich, Stephen G. Gross)

In this special edition of the RECET transformative podcast, we revisit the recent RECET festival, where speakers from around the globe discussed ‘Green Transformations.’ In this excerpt, three panelists charted the history of nuclear energy—from its ‘dark past’ to, perhaps, its ‘green future.’ Stephen Gross is the author of Energy and Power: Germany in the Age of Oil, Atoms and Climate Change (Oxford University Press, 2023). He was joined by Elisabeth Röhrlich, author of Inspectors for Peace: A History of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022). They spoke alongside Anna Weichselbraun, from the University of Vienna, who is currently finishing a manuscript on knowledge production at the International Atomic Energy Agency. The discussion was moderated by Rosamund Johnston (RECET). Elisabeth Röhrlich is Associate Professor at the History Department of the University of Vienna and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies. Her expertise is in twentieth century global and international history, the history of international organizations, the history of the nuclear age and the Cold War, and Austrian contemporary history. She received her PhD in history from the University of Tübingen, Germany, and has held fellowships at the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, the German Historical Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (both in Washington D.C.), and Monash University South Africa. She is the author of a prize-winning book about the former Austrian chancellor Bruno Kreisky (Kreiskys Außenpolitik, Vienna University Press, 2009), and her writings on the history of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have been published in journals such as the Diplomacy and Statecraft, Cold War History, and the Journal of Cold War Studies. Her monograph "Inspectors for Peace" on the history of the IAEA was published with Johns Hopkins University Press in 2022. Anna Weichselbraun is a postdoc researcher at the Department of European Ethnology at the University of Vienna. She works at the intersection of historical anthropology of knowledge, semiotics and science and technology studies with an empirical focus on the global governance of technology in the long 20th century. She is currently revising her book manuscript on nuclear knowledge practices at the International Atomic Energy Agency. Rosamund Johnston is the Principal Investigator of Linking Arms: Central Europe´s Weapons Industries, 1954-1994 at RECET. She is the author of Red Tape: Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1969 which appeared with Stanford University Press in March 2024. Her research has been published in Central European History and a number of edited volumes. She has also written for the Journal of Cold War Studies, East Central Europe, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Scottish newspaper The National, and public broadcaster Czech Radio. Johnston is the author of one book of public history, Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians, and Artists, released by Czech publisher Host in 2019.

Erschienen: 19.06.2024
Dauer: 27:52

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Nuclear Energy: From Dark Past to Green Future? (Anna Weichselbraun, Elisabeth Röhrlich, Stephen G. Gross)"

Racism Against Easter Europeans in Germany (Jannis Panagiotidis, Hans-Christian Petersen)

Is there such a thing as racism against people from Eastern Europe - people who in their majority would be considered"white" in terms of skin color? Drawing on historical and contemporary insights, in this episode RECET scientific director Jannis Pan...

Is there such a thing as racism against people from Eastern Europe - people who in their majority would be considered"white" in terms of skin color? Drawing on historical and contemporary insights, in this episode RECET scientific director Jannis Panagiotidis and his co-author Hans-Christian Petersen discuss key findings of their new book Antiosteuropäischer Rassismus in Deutschland (Anti-East European Racism in Germany). Hans-Christian Petersen is a researcher at the Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe (BKGE) Oldenburg and a lecturer at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. His research interests include Russian-German history, the post-migrant present and the history of German “Ostforschung”. He is the author of An den Rändern der Stadt? Soziale Räume der Armen in St. Petersburg (1850-1914) (Böhlau 2019). Jannis Panagiotidis is the Scientific Director of the Research Center for the History of Transformation. From 2014 until 2020, he was Junior Professor for Migration and Integration of Germans from Russia at the Osnabrück University Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS). At RECET, he works on a project investigating liberal global orders and freedom of movement and guides a research project on post-Soviet immigrant communities in Germany. He wrote the books: The Unchosen Ones. Diaspora, Nation, and Migration in Israel and Germany (Indiana UP, 2019) and Postsowjetische Migration in Deutschland: Eine Einführung (Beltz/Juventa, 2021).

Erschienen: 29.05.2024
Dauer: 17:44

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Racism Against Easter Europeans in Germany (Jannis Panagiotidis, Hans-Christian Petersen)"

The Liberal Exodus? (Félix Krawatzek)

Who are the people who left Russia after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022? Is this an exodus of politically active liberals in opposition to the regime? What role does the military mobilization of young men...

Who are the people who left Russia after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022? Is this an exodus of politically active liberals in opposition to the regime? What role does the military mobilization of young men play? Where do people go, and what do they do in their places of exile? In this episode, Félix Krawatzek (ZOiS Berlin) discusses some key insights of his research on the topic with RECET scientific director Jannis Panagiotidis.   Félix Krawatzek is Head of the Research Unit Youth and Generational Change at the Center for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) and Associate Member at Nuffield College (University of Oxford). His research focuses on the comparative analysis of politics in Eastern and Western Europe, with a particular interest in the role of youth, the significance of historical representation in political processes, and issues of migration and transnationalism. Since September 2022, he has been leading the ERC-funded project Moving Russia(ns): Intergenerational Transmission of Memories Abroad and at Home (MoveMeRU).

Erschienen: 08.05.2024
Dauer: 16:08

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Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia (Rosamund Johnston)

What does radio tell us about state socialism and the post-1945 history of Czechoslovakia? In this episode, Rosamund Johnston (RECET) tells Jelena Đureinović (also RECET) about radio and politics in socialist Czechoslovakia, highlighting the role of ...

What does radio tell us about state socialism and the post-1945 history of Czechoslovakia? In this episode, Rosamund Johnston (RECET) tells Jelena Đureinović (also RECET) about radio and politics in socialist Czechoslovakia, highlighting the role of radio reporters and reception among listeners and discussing the contemporary implications of the study of Cold War radio.   Rosamund Johnston is a postdoctoral researcher at RECET. She is the author of Red Tape: Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1969, published by Stanford University Press. She also co-authored one book of public history, Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians, and Artists, released by Czech publisher Host in 2019. Her work has appeared in Central European History, the Journal of Cold War Studies, East Central Europe, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Scottish newspaper The National, and on public broadcaster Czech Radio. She is currently researching the global history of Czechoslovakia between 1954 and 1994 through its arms trade.

Erschienen: 17.04.2024
Dauer: 14:19

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia (Rosamund Johnston)"

Intra-Yugoslav Albanian Migration during Socialism (Rory Archer)

The always growing knowledge production about socialist Yugoslavia has not sufficiently or adequately addressed the histories of Albanians in Yugoslavia. During the socialist period, many Albanians migrated in search of work from Kosovo and Macedonia...

The always growing knowledge production about socialist Yugoslavia has not sufficiently or adequately addressed the histories of Albanians in Yugoslavia. During the socialist period, many Albanians migrated in search of work from Kosovo and Macedonia to other parts of Yugoslavia, mostly to the country's northwest. In this episode, Rory Archer (RECET/Research Plattform "Transfromations and Eastern Europe") tells Jelena Đureinović (RECET) about the social history of Yugoslav Albanian labour migration during socialism, focusing on its background, perception, and the heterogeneous nature of the Albanian micro-communities across Yugoslavia. Dr. Rory Archer is a social historian of 20th century Southeast Europe whose work focuses on labour history and gender history in socialism, housing, everyday life and popular culture. He leads a research project about the intra-Yugoslav Albanian migration funded by the Austrian Science Foundation at the University of Graz.

Erschienen: 27.03.2024
Dauer: 15:50

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SPECIAL ISSUE: Knowlegeable Youth (Carine Chen, Irena Remestwenski)

Over the past year and a half, RECET has carried out its very first youth project titled "Knowledgeable Youth: Science Communication in Times of War". Together with our partners Eurozine and Radio Orange, we reached out to Ukrainian refugee youngster...

Over the past year and a half, RECET has carried out its very first youth project titled "Knowledgeable Youth: Science Communication in Times of War". Together with our partners Eurozine and Radio Orange, we reached out to Ukrainian refugee youngsters living in Vienna and invited them to get to know the world of academic research and science communication. You are listening to the first of four podcast episodes produced by Ukrainian youths who arrived in Vienna following the start of the Russian invasion. The youngsters interview the founder of their school Iryna Khamayko and share insights into their lives and diverse school experiences after arriving in Vienna as refugees. Project lead (RECET): Irena RemestwenskiProject lead (Eurozine): Carine ChenYoungsters: FREE PEOPLE School Organisational assistance & PR: Leonid Motz Originally produced by Margit Wolfsberger and Mischa Hendel for Radio Orange. Remixed by Leonid Motz. Funded by the Cultural Department (MA7) of the City of Vienna.

Erschienen: 06.03.2024
Dauer: 20:29

Weitere Informationen zur Episode "SPECIAL ISSUE: Knowlegeable Youth (Carine Chen, Irena Remestwenski)"

Podcast "Transformative Podcast"